Antiques: A requisite statement for you, dear reader… (find an appraiser)

If you’re reading this, thank you for stopping by… I appreciate that my article was at all helpful to you!

That said – I find that I have a need to issue a firm (but empathetic) statement regarding requests for authentication of items that occasionally show up in my in-box:

I am NOT a licensed appraisal professional and, should I choose to reply to you, I am NOT giving you a professional assessment of value or originality.

Should I respond, I am offering ONLY my personal OPINION as an AMATEUR design enthusiast and particular admirer of the design, work, and aesthetic of Adrian Pearsall.

If you are looking for a licensed and legitimate appraisal or determination of authenticity, I encourage you to invest in the services of a LOCAL appraisal professional – someone who can offer you a LICENSED and LEGITIMATE statement regarding authenticity, insurance and/or market valuation and, potentially, an outlet for sale.

Finally, without original manufacturer tags, proof of purchase, or related credible provenance, it is always best and wisest to assume non-original design origination. Here, too, another reason to seek a professional; as an example of what you’re getting for your money – look at a “basics” class from 2016 on things you need to know to be a GENERALIST appraiser!

All that said – I’m happy to talk with people about their finds and share opinions and resources with those who enjoy similar pursuits. I just couldn’t do that with a clear conscious unless I wrote this guide for people, too.

Anyway! Happy auctioning, good fortune, and may you find every desire fulfilled until desire itself is no longer desired!

bkra shis bde legs (Tashi Delek)!