Pure Seeds, for life.

I am utterly certain that someone much more famous than I have said these things before me; but since I’m not “educated” enough to know of them, and I came to these on my own, with no help but my own experiences, I claim them as mine.

With that disclaimer/preface, here is the tightest packing of “Pure Seed” concepts for getting things done that I know.

My hope is it will be helpful to you. But at the very least, perhaps it will pique your curiosity enough to find the previously mentioned famous folk and get an educated take on it all.

So… here ya go. I hope it helps you in life.

[[Organizing For Communication; a formula]]

  • Tell them what you are going to tell them.
  • Tell them.
  • Tell them what you just told them.

[[Organizing for Education; an addenda to preceding formula]]

  • Tell them to tell you what you just told them.
  • Tell them to review whatever they told you that was incorrect.
  • Grade accordingly.

[[Skillful Communication; a formula]]

  • Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How?
  • They, That, There, and Then is Why and How.

[[Project Management; a formula]]

  • What is the problem? CONSENSUS OF SCOPE
  • Why is it a problem? CONSENSUS OF RATIONALE
  • What might fix the problem? CONSENSUS OF SOLUTION
  • Why might it fix the problem? CONSENSUS OF RATIONALE
  • How would you prove it fixed the problem? DEMONSTRATION OF MEETING BOTH RATIONALES.

But what if you can’t? Well, recurse it… What is the problem? (i.e., lather, rinse, and repeat)

[[Life; A Formula On Consecutive Successes As Proof Of You As A Single Point Of Failure In Your Reality]]

  • Are you properly breathing RIGHT NOW? [y/n]
  • Are you properly safe RIGHT NOW? [y/n]
  • Are you properly nourished RIGHT NOW? [y/n]
  • Are you properly working RIGHT NOW? [y/n]
  • Are you properly clothed RIGHT NOW? [y/n]
  • Are you properly housed RIGHT NOW? [y/n]
  • Are you properly self-managing RIGHT NOW? [y/n]
  • Are you properly aspiring to sustain or exceed yourself RIGHT NOW? [y/n]

Here’s the thing about being a single point of failure – you should want to be that whenever you can – because every moment you are not in failed status on the above items, you are succeeding… at being you, at life, and at getting both where you want and need them. And every moment you ARE in failed status is a chance to completely upend things if that’s what is needed to get back to your success state.

(Note: ‘properly’ being a literal container for concepts like cultural norms, mores, societal definitions, however you are choosing to define them in your reality and life.)

[[Life; A Formula On Fixing Any Problem, Permanently.]]

  • If the problem is how you feel, accept that you are feeling and it is up to you to decide and work on managing that feeling.
  • If the problem is how you believe, accept that your belief is one among millions, thus and by literal probability, neither the first edition nor an accurate rendition of the belief.
  • If the problem is how you think, accept that your thinking is a direct result of both your ancestry and your actual immersion in this chemical, combustion machine we know as “Life, The Universe, and Everything.”
  • If the problem is how you perceive, accept that the only way to know you are perceiving correctly is to seek out differences in perception by which to refine and hone your own.
  • If the problem is how you find all this to be too much work, accept that every human comes to the same conclusion, but we all have to do it anyway because, well, that’s just how it is.
  • If the problem is just how it is, accept the closest other who is experiencing the same, and share the weight of the developing prefrontal cortex… evolution belongs to anyone willing to stand together.

(Note: Your perception is an illusion created by your organic chemistry, woven into a palatable story by your prefrontal cortex — a furry fan fiction author, literally — and the strain of your story coming into contact with billions of conflicting points in the larger, shared environment is entirely due to your decision to hold yourself as both apart and worth more than “the other”. Accept that too, but understand that’s a lifetime of work and most still don’t have time to get to that.)