The United States of America needs another, better model of management

There should be a program that balances Federal funds AGAINST state incentives in such a way as to assure an evenly spread industrial and commercial network in our United States of America.

Companies and industries that significantly impact the gross national product should NOT be permitted to jeopardize the national economic health via full blown autonomy.

The idea that the companies of a nation are any less accountable for the health of the gross national product along with our general, economic health as a nation beyond coddling up to the states that house them, the government that legislates on their behalf (for shared benefit ranging from pork to legitimate co-management of the economic health of the country), or less than “We The People” is particularly asinine to me.  

Were we more realistic about the need to manage our economic infrastructure, many of the challenges we face today would be non-existent or, at worst, much smaller and easier to manage.  (I say this seeing with utter clarity how this deterioration of our economic infrastructure is not unlike the deterioration of our physical infrastructure… and no, seeing so many critical elements of our country’s stability redlining at once is not my idea of “healthy”, how ’bout you?)

Companies should be accountable for maintaining a share of employment burden directly related to their gross revenue.  

Companies should be accountable for falling below minimum employment levels (set to assure strong economic flow along as many concurrent networks of industry and commerce as possible).  

Companies should receive a reduction of their employment burden for a corresponding increase of percentage contribution to gross national produce AND stability of economic flow. 

I mean, come on, people, since when was all this data mining and data science limited to figuring out better ways to sell consumers things to consume, or lobby for increasingly unsustainable “incentives” that assure of nothing more than corporate benefit?  

I cannot possibly be the only one to see the inevitable collapse of this system, should unchecked corporate narcissism continue to run rampant in our country. 

To be clear, I’m not saying this is the ONLY problem, nor am I saying that ONLY corporations and government should have to bear the weight of solving it. But they ARE the two sets most able to begin the candid discourse; the fact that none of them seem to be doing so is, to me, the most serious and critical “red flag” of them all.
