There is a place where nothing is; all being and life extending and extruded, and […]
This hump (day) is breaking, I think
I believe that We The People are being played. I believe that, around this globe, […]
This Swampy River (a riff)
Is this Trump’s[1] effort to influence the return of manufacturing to the states?
GLOW S02E04 – Callback to truth
I finally gave in and watched this show; stars, I’m so glad I did.
The Analogous City – Hypertext meets Neocortex – The Pattern
Humans have spent all existence confining, defining, and refining concepts of relation between things. Any […]
On the nature of “social” and the reality of anti-social networks
It occurs to me that much of the mess plaguing “social networks” at the moment […]
A farewell to the latest avatar of T.M.W.D.E.
The aftermath of any intense experience is always a time for reflection, meditation, and development […]
On ‘Terms of Service’ in gaming, generally
Thoughts on what this really means any my general astonishment that anyone just swallows it […]
rambly update and a bit of a rant
ok. first off, i’ve been foregoing deeply personal posting or details in some areas of […]